Monday, June 27, 2011

Im making plans!

And...apparently, I cannot make plans and drawings at the same time, so excuse this short text filled post.

I got lots of things happening right now. I'm working hard to try and get a job, any job at this point (originally I was letting some stupid sense of pride keep me from fast food pssh...who needs pride?). I went to the Ren faire this weekend, it was the Celtic Fling and I got to see my favorite band (I'll be posting about this soon). And, Im working hard at getting a DnD campaign together (which is a lot harder than it sounds).

All in All, lots of cool things are happening, they just eat at my time. So, I've decided on an official schedule to post every weekday, and give myself weekends off. I'm sure all four of my readers will be seriously impacted by this.

Anyway, that's all for today, sorry. I will have larger cooler things to talk about soon!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

So, I am Probably a Zombie.

I mean, it is nothing definite, but after a nice trip to give blood today, the signs are pressing in. Before I explain, I need to probably elaborate on the details concerning my discovery. I'm O negative blood-type (the universal donor) and because of this the red cross is always on my case about donating. So, I was called yesterday by the Red Cross, who told me there was a drive the next day in a church nearby. It was the first drive since I had been home from school and I decided to be a good citizen and partake in donating.

Today I woke up, drank a lot of water, ate breakfast, and then drove over to the church. I read all the papers that are necessary to donate and then walked into the next room for the screening. This is when my suspicions arose. The Nurse spent a good five minutes simply locating my pulse, and when she finally did it was at 62 beats a minute, on the low side for a guy my size.

It was after many raised eyebrows, a questionnaire, and a finger prick that I was lead to actually get my blood drawn. Now, this turned out to be a major problem, because there was no vein to be found in my arm. The way the nurse was fretting made me feel that this had to be what my insides looked like:
With this oddity combined with my unnatural paleness of skin, I was beginning to suspect that something was not quite right. I began thinking very fast and came to the only conclusion that seemed logical with a needle being pointed at me: I must be some form of undead.

The drive's presence in a church only solidified this stance in my mind, as the needle burned as it entered my skin (no doubt it had been cauterized with holy water). Then, despite the nurse jabbing further and further, she had a great deal of issues getting blood to come out. I had no pulse, apparently next to no veins, and stagnant blood. Clearly, my undead theory must have some weight.

This was not helped by the fact that anytime I donate blood, nurses give me a very specific look. It doesn't matter if I'm the person they are working with, all nurses will give me this look of absolute terror, as if I'm going to die at any moment.
They really shouldn't be worried though. If I'm right, then I must already be dead. It is, after all, the only symptom of being a member of the horde of undead I'm missing.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

If Thunderstorms were a drug, I'd be an Addict. It would be sick and twisted and you would need to force me into an intervention and things would just descend from there

In my mind nothing is better than a good thunderstorm. The static in the air, the sound of thunder, the flash of lightning, all accompanied by the musical sensation of the rain makes the sensation irreplaceable. To me it's the most naturally excited I get all on my own. I feel a rush of energy course through me, it's like nothing can stop me in that time before a storm.

I dunno if it's rooted in my Zodiac symbol Libra being a symbol of air that I love the strong turbulent winds, or if the metallic taste in the air excites me due to the Ram of 1991 being rooted in the element of steel, but there is something inherently good and strengthening in storms for me. It's the closest I think I ever feel something I would legitimately categorize as magical. It's also when my esteem is at its height when I'll most likely claim godhood.

Today there was a glorious thunderstorm, holding all the wonderful archetypical elements therein. Normally I would have relished this phenomenal event in my home watching from a window. Today, though, the storm caught me while I was driving home.

I had always been warned about how much harder it is to drive during a storm and for a second I was worried. And then the feeling came striking at the exact same time as my zune changed songs to Jet Black Stare's "Ready to Roll". A jet of confidence and excitement ran through me and suddenly I had no desire to go straight home. I took my Hyundai out for a ride.

and while it probably looked like this with some rain... definitely felt more like this...
Yes, in my mind, I was riding a crazy shark with dragon wings and jets. You got a problem with that?

It was an incredibly joyful experience and one I hope to repeat.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Grocery Stores, they're like Amusement Parks except people are less likely to Approve your Having fun

I dunno what it is about my family and grocery stores, we have an odd fascination with them. We legitimately view exploring one as a possible option for something fun to do and three out of four children (myself included) have danced through their aisles. I also don't know what it is about them that reduces my age by about 10-15 years (which is saying a lot, Im only 19).
 There is just something about a building filled with aisles and aisles of brightly colored objects and the occasional shiny thing that just makes my little heart close to bursting with joy, glee, excitement, and other adjectives not normally associated with shopping for groceries.

It doesn't help that there is so much fun stuff to DO inside a grocery store, I'm not kidding, Ima gonna make a list of them right here to prove it.

1). Yelling: Grocery stores are the best place to be the best at yelling. The acoustics are fricken amazing and in general people are too nervous to tell the crazy man riding his grocery cart that he is being a bit too loud with his rendition of "Don't Stop Me Now", even though he is like, at the top of his game and Queen could learn a thing or too about this type of enthusiasm.

2). Grocery Bingo: Make up a list of products and then try to find that product, except in a way you never thought was even possible. Like popcorn, so like finding Bacon Popcorn would check it off your card. You can  also look at finding the least/most expensive, or least/most healthy for you. This would probably even help with the actual shopping.

3). Hide and Go Seek: Grocery stores were made for this game, its like the aisles are a bunch of trenches and you are navigating the desolated landscape of dish detergents and pet products, hoping to get over to juices and sodas before the seeker finds you. It's intense, like really intense, especially if you bet the bill for the groceries on it...or your life.

Needless to say, I'm a champion

4). Shopping Cart Derby: This is by far, the best idea ever. Like, no joke, if someone tells you they have a better idea, they're lying or trying to hog all the fun to themselves. Because this is the best. You take a cart, load the front with something heavy for balance, and then you push push push until you gain speed and JUMP ON. You can rocket at like speeds EASILY exceeding 5 mph. Does Nascar do anything that awesome? NO, they do not. People try to claim this game isn't safe. Maybe for amateurs, but if you're a pro, you can do this whenever and wherever and always ALWAYS win.
 See? That is a demonstration of a pro in action. If you are too stunned, I am not surprised.

Besides things to do at the grocery market, I also think its wide array of goodies holds a special appeal. Like freeze pops. You know those? They're tubes of liquid sugar water? And Magic? SOOOO MUCH MAGIC.

I added action lines, because they're so intense.

They're so awesome. I spent an entire grocery trip explaining why we needed them, My mom was unconvinced. She has only delayed the inevitable, they will be mine.

Anyway, yeah, Grocery stores are pretty awesome. I'd love to like live in one. It would always be a nice temperature, bright, and I'd have plenty of food.

Monday, June 20, 2011

SO I thought That Maybe I Should Explain this, Kinda

The easy way to explain this would be to simply say that I get bored a lot and that this is merely another attempt at warding off that boredom. That would be the easy way, and It is often surprising how often the easy way of explaining is practically lying, or at least only telling a half truth.

The hard and more accurate way of explaining this is three words to elaborate on: ego, routine, growth.
Whats below here is a chart of egos represented with vague blue bars to show literally how full of themselves each person is

See the person on the left is your average Joe I think, they might obsess over themselves every once in awhile, but have enough humility to occasionally not see themselves as all that and a bag of doritos.

The person in the center is successful, they've proven their worth and thus have no reason to doubt themselves, they're all that and a steak cooked well done. (Unless you like your steaks medium rare like me...)

The person on the right there is me. I tend to doubt myself, a lot, for stupid reasons. You know its bad when you can see the reasons are stupid and still give in to them. I know this is bad, slightly unhealthy and thus am generally always seeking ways to give my ego a tender loving nudge in the right direction. Being able to maintain a blog for at least the duration of the summer between my freshman and sophomore year should in theory help. Or I'll fail miserably and then this picture would be better

That moves us on to the next word, routine. I am not a person who functions well without something to do on a normal basis. I think I am, but I'm not.
My brain works too fast and I have too much energy to enjoy solemn silence and serenity for too long

The final reason is for my own personal growth. I imagine a blog has the potential to increase my ability to narrate to an audience, connect to them, and in general be like, better at things. All stuff that will help when Im writing my dime store mystery.

As for the name, the explanation is rather simple. "Uzari" is the sound in manga for boredom or being fed up, Libration is a pun off of Liberation...cause Im a libra. Haha...I'm so clever (please don't hurt me). Pretty much as this blog is an exercise from keeping me from boredom, I thought the name was on the nose.