Wednesday, June 22, 2011

If Thunderstorms were a drug, I'd be an Addict. It would be sick and twisted and you would need to force me into an intervention and things would just descend from there

In my mind nothing is better than a good thunderstorm. The static in the air, the sound of thunder, the flash of lightning, all accompanied by the musical sensation of the rain makes the sensation irreplaceable. To me it's the most naturally excited I get all on my own. I feel a rush of energy course through me, it's like nothing can stop me in that time before a storm.

I dunno if it's rooted in my Zodiac symbol Libra being a symbol of air that I love the strong turbulent winds, or if the metallic taste in the air excites me due to the Ram of 1991 being rooted in the element of steel, but there is something inherently good and strengthening in storms for me. It's the closest I think I ever feel something I would legitimately categorize as magical. It's also when my esteem is at its height when I'll most likely claim godhood.

Today there was a glorious thunderstorm, holding all the wonderful archetypical elements therein. Normally I would have relished this phenomenal event in my home watching from a window. Today, though, the storm caught me while I was driving home.

I had always been warned about how much harder it is to drive during a storm and for a second I was worried. And then the feeling came striking at the exact same time as my zune changed songs to Jet Black Stare's "Ready to Roll". A jet of confidence and excitement ran through me and suddenly I had no desire to go straight home. I took my Hyundai out for a ride.

and while it probably looked like this with some rain... definitely felt more like this...
Yes, in my mind, I was riding a crazy shark with dragon wings and jets. You got a problem with that?

It was an incredibly joyful experience and one I hope to repeat.

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